
Our (Early) End of Year Checklist for Seminole, OK Businesses

Our (Early) End of Year Checklist for Seminole, OK Businesses

When I think about the holiday season, I think "calm before the storm." That's because in my profession, once mid-December hits, we're scrambling to handle EOY matters. And then when the new year strikes, we're holding our breath for a few weeks ... and then tax...

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Seminole, OK Business

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Seminole, OK Business

Holiday creep. It’s real.Here we are in early November, and it feels like Christmas decorations and other holiday chicanery have already been upon us.Seminole, OK retailers are buckling in for what looks to be a rough shopping season, given current economic factors…...

When a Local Seminole, OK Business Is Shutting Its Doors

When a Local Seminole, OK Business Is Shutting Its Doors

This might not apply to you.So it could just be something to file away for the future.But I’m hearing enough rumblings from other accountants and seeing some of the signs … SMB owners could be in for a tough ride over the next little while and that could mean any...

How Seminole, OK Owners Can Have a Productive Business Meeting

How Seminole, OK Owners Can Have a Productive Business Meeting

Ever finished a meeting and thought That could have been an email? Yeah, I get that. Work meetings are one of those necessary evils that too often end up being time wasters rather than savers.But you can’t simply wave a magic wand and eliminate them (though, in...

How Seminole, OK business owners can beat occupational stress

How Seminole, OK business owners can beat occupational stress

As a Seminole, OK business owner, you carry the weight of your company on your shoulders. But the reward is this: when things go well – your profits are good, you’re meeting your business goals, you’re dreaming for the future, entrepreneurial FREEDOM is in the...

Roger Ely CPA’s Guide to Successfully Managing Remote Employees

Roger Ely CPA’s Guide to Successfully Managing Remote Employees

Scrolling the 9/11 tributes in my social media and news feeds this past weekend served as an excellent reminder of how we all can bounce back from great difficulties. And the reminder seems especially poignant now as our nation (and Seminole, OK business owners like...

Why Your Seminole, OK Business Needs Cyber Insurance

Why Your Seminole, OK Business Needs Cyber Insurance

In today’s online-driven world, it’s no surprise that securing sensitive information is essential. Just like you cover your Seminole, OK business for other possible risks (property damage, theft, injury, etc.) so should you also be thinking of how to keep your...

The Hiring Tips Your Seminole, OK Business Needs

The Hiring Tips Your Seminole, OK Business Needs

It seems like everywhere SMBs and retailers are short-staffed (and hiring). At the same time, with high inflation plaguing the country, other businesses are in the middle of layoffs.It seems as if these two realities would meet together, and establish an economic...

All About the SSBCI for Seminole, OK Business Owners

All About the SSBCI for Seminole, OK Business Owners

Fill in the blank: It takes a village to ______.While you’re probably thinking of child-rearing right now, I’d like to suggest that it applies to your Seminole, OK small business as well. And particularly during inflationary times. The 2020 world made it painfully...