
Federal Spending Impact on Seminole, OK Businesses
I don’t know about you, but after the holidays (and I hope yours were filled with good things and happy times with loved ones), I’m always a bit tapped out on the spending. But in true governmental fashion, Uncle Sam is piling it on. Seems like Congress missed...
Succession Planning Strategy For Seminole, OK Business Owners
The 2022 clock is almost at midnight.An end to a still somewhat crazy year — “the crazy” seems like our new normal, post-2020, am I right? There were a lot of challenges this year and they were … exhausting. Keeping up with the changes and adjusting to the economic...
Ely’s 8 “Right Now” Business Tax Moves
Ready for some yuletide cheer? Inflation might have hit its peak this year. So say the “experts.” That particular category of people hasn’t exactly covered itself with glory of late … so, we’ll see how that actually plays out for businesses in the coming...
Employee Gifts: Some Ideas for Seminole, OK Business Owners
Time is counting down until the year is up and your tax impact opportunity window closes.And even if this is the busiest (and perhaps most profitable) part of the year for your Seminole, OK business, opening up a little space in your calendar to talk about some...
The New Congress and Your Seminole, OK Business
This time of year means big things for Seminole, OK businesses like yours… and big-red-bow-on-top opportunities thanks to the post-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas buying euphoria. Early indicators are that this has been a tepid start to the consumer holiday season,...
Seminole, OK Businesses choosing to live out of a place of gratitude
This week is an opportunity.To comfort ourselves away from the noise of our clamoring-for-attention society with good food and (mostly?) good company ... for sure.But also, to pause. There's not many opportunities for that as a Seminole, OK business owner (without...
Our (Early) End of Year Checklist for Seminole, OK Businesses
When I think about the holiday season, I think "calm before the storm." That's because in my profession, once mid-December hits, we're scrambling to handle EOY matters. And then when the new year strikes, we're holding our breath for a few weeks ... and then tax...
Changes to Your Seminole, OK Business’s Social Security Payroll Taxes
Have you recovered from the electoral drama yet?Allow me to quickly remind you: No matter how you’re feeling about these results, what matters MOST is how you operate that which is under YOUR control.And I say that as somebody whose entire work is driven by decisions...
Which Bills to Pay First in Your Seminole, OK Business
Holiday creep. It’s real.Here we are in early November, and it feels like Christmas decorations and other holiday chicanery have already been upon us.Seminole, OK retailers are buckling in for what looks to be a rough shopping season, given current economic factors…...
When a Local Seminole, OK Business Is Shutting Its Doors
This might not apply to you.So it could just be something to file away for the future.But I’m hearing enough rumblings from other accountants and seeing some of the signs … SMB owners could be in for a tough ride over the next little while and that could mean any...
Can Seminole, OK Businesses Still Get the Employee Retention Credit?
Everybody keeps saying we’re slowly leaving the pandemic behind – and for Seminole, OK businesses, that means that pandemic tax relief is disappearing, too. But can you still qualify for one of the most popular of the Covid-related federal breaks: the Employee...
How Seminole, OK Owners Can Have a Productive Business Meeting
Ever finished a meeting and thought That could have been an email? Yeah, I get that. Work meetings are one of those necessary evils that too often end up being time wasters rather than savers.But you can’t simply wave a magic wand and eliminate them (though, in...